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Myron Memories


Steelers fans are invited to share their personal memories of Myron Cope by sending them to:

Each day, several of your memories will be posted on as a continuing tribute to Myron Cope. 



When my husband and I moved to the Pittsburgh area in 1971, the Steelers were just beginning their series of Super Bowl championships.  We were somewhat baffled by the radio announcer called Myron Cope and his indescribable voice.  I still do not know how one would describe it, but there will never be another like it.


I have always waved my Terrible Towel proudly and have done so even more proudly the last 14 years while living in the Cleveland area. Thank you, Myron, for a lasitng tribute to the Steelers. You have been missed since your retirement, and now I say, "Rest in peace."


Budd-Louise Seese




One of my great memories of Myron Cope was in Cincinnati.  I was staying at the team hotel, and Myron Cope walked into the lobby, and he stuck a cigar in his mouth.  He then decided he wanted to smoke it in the lobby, but the desk clerk took exception to that.  There was an animated conversation, and the clerk walked  away with his head hung down, and Myron Cope continued to smoke his cigar. I am 45 years old and most of my memories of Steelers  games are of listening to Myron on the radio.


Mark Lipko

Mt. Pleasant, Pa.




To memorialize Myron, the Steelers should place a small replica of the Terrible Towel on the front right shoulder of their game jerseys.  That would properly comemorate one of the most important personalities in the club's storied history without interfereing with the integrity of the jersey itself.


James T. Cromie




My name is Rob Glus, I am 36 years old, and have been a Steelers fan my whole life. My Dad is a Steelers fan and my Mom is, too. I remember listening to the Steelers Polka and then Steelers' games on the radio at my Grandma Glus's house, while wondering who the man with the strange voice man was.


As I grew older I learned to love hearing Myron Cope's voice. It was exciting to hear him, because you knew it was a Sunday of Steelers football. As an adult, I would listen to him whenever the Steelers where not televised in the Erie area. My friends and I would even sometimes turn the TV sound down just to listen to his game commentary.


I loved his excitement, unique sayings and special nicknames for the opposing teams (Brownies, Bungles, and Baltimore Birdies). All Steeler fans will miss him. God bless Myron Cope. Give a Yoi and Double Yoi to the Lord from us all!


Rob Glus

Albion, PA




I am not originally from Pittsburgh, but my dad is from Beaver County and I have a lot of family that still resides there. I had no choice in becoming a Steelers fan, and I am definitely not one to complain about that. As a resident of the great state of New Jersey I had only two options for football on TV before the days of DirecTV: the Giants and the Jets, and both of those teams were very troublesome to watch during the mid 1990s. It was then that my brother, my father, and I would sit in my basement and stream Pittsburgh radio over the computer and to listen to the Steelers game announced by none other but Myron Cope.


My first Steelers memories are of Myron Cope, and I wouldn't change it for anything. Myron's excitement and passion for Steelers football will never be matched by anyone, and I know he will never be forgotten.


So as I remember the days of "Bungles" and the "Brownies," I can smile and know that as a young child living in the New York area, Myron Cope let me experience the magic and the history that is Pittsburgh Steelers football. I will forever wave my Terrible Towel and hang it in every dorm room and house bedroom that I live in for the rest of my life. Myron will never be forgotten, and it is refreshing to see a figure such as Cope who stood behind what he loved and never let anyone change his unique and "Stillers" style.



New Jersey



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