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Sensabaugh delivers smiles

Coty Sensabaugh is a player who believes in giving back.

And when he does, it's from the heart.

Last year Sensabaugh and his wife Dominique were honored for their community service at Points of Light's 2017 Tribute Awards at the Embassy of France in Washington, D.C. Points of Light is a nonprofit inspired by former President George H. W. Bush and is the world's leading volunteer service organization. The Tribute Awards honor those who embody the vision of 'a thousand points of light' that President Bush addressed.

So when Sensabaugh was asked to help with a project at local elementary school in Pittsburgh, he was quick to jump on board. Sensabaugh teamed with Dreambuilders Foundation and United Health Care, who provided an $11,000 grant for pedal bikes for kids at Weil Elementary.

"It's promoting healthy living and exercise for kids," said Sensabaugh. "Kids don't exercise a lot today with video games and staying inside. Especially here, up North, when it gets cold kids stay inside more to stay warm."

The purpose of the pedal bikes is to allow the kids to continue with school work, while staying active.

"It gives the kids a chance to learn, to do their schoolwork, while pedaling," said Sensabaugh. "I was happy to be involved in it. It's a pretty cool idea when you look at it. It allows the kids to exercise while doing their school work. It's killing two birds with one stone."

The highlight for Sensabaugh was spending time with the kids, and doing the one thing he loves to do more than anything.

"I just enjoy putting a smile on other people's faces," said Sensabaugh. "I was also raised to be blessed and be a blessing to others, making a positive impact on your community and leaving a lasting impact on this world.

"It was an awesome experience to meet the kids and interact with them. They were huge Steelers fans. They had a lot of great questions. They loved it. I think more than anything they were excited to interact with a Steelers player. The community loves the Steelers. It was awesome to be out there and meet the kids."

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