It's become a tradition during OTAs. On an off day the Steelers' rookies go from being those who are learning and being mentored by the veterans, to being mentors themselves for local kids at the Mel Blount Youth Home in Claysville, Pa.
The class of 2014 Rookies visit the Mel Blount Youth Home.

"We invite kids from around the city and community to come out and meet all of the rookies and learn from them," said Blount, the Steelers Hall of Fame cornerback. "It's a big event for the kids and it's a big event for the boy's home also."
And it's a big event for the rookies, who helped guide the kids through an obstacle course, teaching them the importance of teamwork through every challenge they faced.
"It was a really great experience getting out there and working with the kids, pushing them through the obstacle course and showing them teamwork," said rookie Bud Dupree. "Teamwork will take you a long way in life.
"Teamwork is not just a big part of football, but in life. You might think you don't need help from others, but you do. Learning how to work with others is always a plus."
The rookies were all impressed with Blount's commitment to the youth home and all he does for the community, and hoped that their time around the kids made some type of impact on them.
"It means a lot to help these kids and be around them and give them motivation," said Dupree. "Some kids don't have mentors and end up going down the wrong path. You always want to have somebody to look up to and learn from."
This was the first of many community projects the rookies get involved with, something that will continue throughout the season as they learn about the Steelers commitment to helping others.
"It's awesome to give back to the community we get to play in," said rookie B.J. Finney. "These kids are fans of the franchise and they really look up to us. It's our job to give back and be mentors to these kids and let them know whatever walk of life they come from they can succeed."