Steelers players join Pirates and Penguins at the Players 4 Kids Gala benefitting the Pittsburgh Kids Foundation.

Will and Jessica Johnson

Kelvin and Jessica Beachum and Pascal Dupuis

Chris Hubbard and Kelvin Beachum

Chris Hubbard and Kelvin Beachum

Brian Banister, Casey Sadler, Dan Bylsma, Chris Hubbard, Jared Hughes, Pascal Dupuis Kelvin Beachum, Neil Walker, Mark Melancon, Dave Jauss and Will Johnson

Kelvin Beachum and Mark Melancon

Chris Hubbard and Jared Hughes

Kelvin Beachum, Mark Melancon and Will Johsnon

Mark Melancon and Wil Johnson

Pascal Dupuis, Neil Walker and Kelvin Beachum

Kelvin Beachum, Jessica Beachum and Jessica Johnson and Will Johnson

Chase d'Arnaud, Pascal Dupuis, Neil Walker and Kelvin Beachum
When you get athletes from all three sports teams in Pittsburgh together for a good cause, you know positive things are going to happen. And that was the case at the Players 4 Kids Gala, hosted by Steelers offensive tackle Kelvin Beachum, Pirates' infielder Neil Walker and Penguins forward Pascal Dupuis. Beachum was joined by Steelers' teammates fullback Will Johnson and guard Chris Hubbard.
The Gala benefits the Pittsburgh Kids Foundation, a local organization that benefits at risk kids in the Pittsburgh region, but has far-reaching effects helping orphaned children in poverty-stricken Haiti.
The foundation, through the leadership of the athletes involved, offers mentoring programs, camps, sports clinics, and school visits, among other events. Over the last few years the foundation has expanded efforts to help children in Haiti, including building the IDADEE Orphanage.
Also attending were Pirates Mark Melancon, Jared Hughes, Chase d'Arnaud, Casey Sadler, and coaches Dave Jauss and Jeff Banister as well as USA Hockey Coach Dan Bylsma.